Sunday, April 30, 2006

Weekly update

Weekly update
Week beginning 1st May 2006

This week is one of our favourite weeks! We will be looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and in particular his painting Sunflowers. We will be looking at shades of colour and the use of texture when painting. Watch out for our classroom transforming into an art gallery, with a range of media being used to represent the work of Van Gogh.

We are continuing our work on living things also this week. The children are to be encouraged to work in teams of four to make a model of any animal using junk materials and a papier mache baloon. Toilet rolls, egg cartons, bottle tops etc are greatly appreciated.

In Communication, Language and Literacy, the children will be reviewing the long vowel sound 'ee' in words, and reinforcing the blending of sounds together. They will continue on the theme of instructions this week.
Websites you may wish to visit to support your child's learning: - cvc machine game - looks at reading words with three letter sounds. - cluster buster - select words and pictures website for high frequency word support. - spelling ship for high frequency word support.

In Mathematical Development this week, we will be reviewing addition again in preparation for the work on doubling we will be doing the week after. They will be encouraged to remember the chant:

Our class target this week is to name the main external parts of a flowering plant.

Sadly we say goodbye to Miss Dawson on Tuesday. I know the children and staff will miss her.

Best wishes
Jayne Narraway x

Sunday, April 16, 2006

week beginning 24th April 2006

We are starting our new topic on 'Growing'. We will be looking at the different parts of a flowering plant and planting seeds. Checkout
The children learn about what a plant needs to grow and label the parts of a plant. There is even a quiz!

We will be reinforcing this with our Literacy text for the week, The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The children will be writing instructions for aliens who need to knwo how to plant a seed to make a smartie plant.

They will be developing their phonic skills by working on the following websites. You may want to have a go with your child to consolidate their learning in school.

In Mathematical Development this week, we are ordering random numbers. Websites you may want to visit: - mucky monsters –identifying more and less

Our class target for the week is to learn the Hail Mary off by heart. A copy of it for your reference has been sent home.

Have fun!

Mrs Narraway x