Sunday, April 16, 2006

week beginning 24th April 2006

We are starting our new topic on 'Growing'. We will be looking at the different parts of a flowering plant and planting seeds. Checkout
The children learn about what a plant needs to grow and label the parts of a plant. There is even a quiz!

We will be reinforcing this with our Literacy text for the week, The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The children will be writing instructions for aliens who need to knwo how to plant a seed to make a smartie plant.

They will be developing their phonic skills by working on the following websites. You may want to have a go with your child to consolidate their learning in school.

In Mathematical Development this week, we are ordering random numbers. Websites you may want to visit: - mucky monsters –identifying more and less

Our class target for the week is to learn the Hail Mary off by heart. A copy of it for your reference has been sent home.

Have fun!

Mrs Narraway x

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