Sunday, March 09, 2008

Who will be the winner?

Welcome to this week’s blog!

Last week was very hectic to say the least. Needless to say we didn’t quite get round to doing everything we planned but the written work completed by the children on the life cycle of a butterfly was amazing!. Therefore, we will be continuing with the theme of frogs and how they change from a tadpole.

We are actually having a competition. Last week, the children made frog face puppets using paper plates and now they are going to have a competition to see who can write the longest sentence to create the frog with the longest tongue. The puppets they have made are fantastic and so will the sentences I am sure. As they find out more information we will be able to review their understanding of non-fiction texts. You may wish to visit the library and see if you can find any books on frogs for your child to share with us at school.

In addition to all of this we will begin a mini art topic on the theme of Echoes. There is to be an exhibition of Primary Art held at The Gateway and The Pyramid later this year. Our school is taking part in the exhibition and our class is creating a large piece of art to be displayed in Warrington Museum. Hence, the two weeks to make sure the art is of the highest quality.

Talking of art, our Van Gogh pictures are now up in the classroom and look truly magnificent. Please feel free to pop in at the end of any day and have a look at your child’s masterpiece. Even Mr Barker has commissioned us to do one for his office! (Do you think we should charge him the price that Van Gogh’s paintings bring? Who knows judging by the art we could possibly have a future artist in our midst)

We are very close to ensuring every child knows their letter sounds by Easter. If your child does still need to work on a few I will write them in their diary this week. In class this week we will be focusing on the sounds ‘oo’, ‘ai’ and ‘ee’. The children are pretty familiar with ‘oo’ and ‘ee’ as I have often referred to them in class previously. - click on Daisy the Snail. This is the poem the children will be learning this week to help them learn the sound ‘ai’. - another poem for ‘oo’. - I love this poem to help the children reinforce ‘ee’. - this page has some wonderful print and do activities. Why not have a go at making your own poem containing the sounds of the week? - a good website which has our new sounds in but also helps prepare for others to follow. - again has other sounds but will help prepare the children. - this will be used in class to help the children. Give them a word and they can drag the cards into the frames. To find ‘ee’, ‘oo’, and ‘ai’ click on the rainbow and it will change for you. - a good website for helping with those blending skills. - good old starfall! Click on Pete the Sheep and the games associated with it.

Problem-solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
MUST be able to identify one less;
SHOULD be able to understand that subtract means ‘take away’ and carry out the operation practically;
COULD be able to independently subtract one number from another, and understand the vocabulary associated with subtraction.

Last week we set the scene for understanding subtraction and it is hoped that the children are more familiar with their subtraction flower by now to enable them to use the different vocabulary associated with this operation. Unfortunately the children sometimes mix up the language of Mr Adder with the subtraction flower.

These are the websites from last week which are still suitable. - a good website for reviewing one less but you will need to play it alongside them. - this works in the same way but subtracts two. - this is a great website for problem-solving with subtraction and it has a real visual element to it. - this is a great game of skittles if the weather is bad! - another great website with a problem solving element. - I would really recommend this website as they can do addition and subtraction on it as well. -probably the only time that England will beat Brazil! The number of players on the Brazil team can be used to help work out if the subtraction fact is true or false. If it is false click on next and if it is true then click on the England player. - good for once your child has mastered the concept of subtraction and wants to have a go at larger numbers.

Other bits and bobs
You should have received a letter about the Easter bonnet and egg rolling competitions. The last week of this half term is a wonderful celebration of Easter. The competition for the bonnets is judged on creativity and evidence of the children’s own work. And now a plea from the heart. Please make sure that your child’s egg is hard boiled for the egg rolling competition. Yes, believe it or not we do have some who just decorate them and we do wish to stay on good terms with the school caretaker.

On Wednesday evening there is a Friends of St Vincent’s Meeting at St Joseph’s parish club. Please come along if you can. It starts at 8pm.

I am out of school on Thursday and Friday on a Deputy Headteacher’s conference. Mrs Julia Neale will be coming into support the class on these days.

I think that is all for this week.

Have a good one!

Jayne Narraway and the Foundation Stage Team xxx

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