Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hi there

What an amazing time we had at the Blue Planet last Friday. The children astounded the workshop leader with their knowledge of what lives underwater, and even automatically counted in Spanish when she asked the children to count the number of legs a star fish had. The children were a real credit to the school and yourselves. Many thanks to the parents who came with us. You’re real gems.

As it is the last week of the half term it will be ASSESSMENT and REVIEW week of the children’s learning over this half term, and preparation for the final half term of their time in Reception.

In Problem-solving, Reasoning and Numeracy we will be reviewing:
Measuring heights using the language taller and shorter

Please refer back to previous blogs for suitable websites to support these areas.

In Communication, Language and Literacy, we will be:
Updating high frequency words
Assessing writing skills through writing a recount of their visit to the Blue Planet Aquarium
Phonics taught so far

Again, please refer back to the previous blog spots for websites to support this. You may wish to work with your child on their writing of sentences more this week.

Creative Development
Last week we also started a large drape on The Rainbow Fish, using batik. Mrs Higgins will be completing this with the children this week.

In addition to this, Mrs Latham and Mrs Kirkham will be using chicken wire with the children to make large sea creature sculptures. We have never attempted this before so fingers crossed it will work.

Physical Development
The children will be continuing to develop the skills needed for sports day this week. We will confirm the date of sports day and let you know.

A short and sweet blog this week!

Have a great week!

Best wishes
Jayne Narraway and the Foundation Stage Team xxx

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